Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

Polymer Morphology

Profile of the department

  • Research is focused on various polymer systems from the point of view of their supramolecular structure or morphology (light and electron microscopy) and local mechanical properties (microindentation hardness testing).
  • We characterize phase structure of multiphase polymer systems, including image analysis, evaluation of filler dispersion, qualitative estimation of interfacial adhesion etc.
  • We investigate relations among molecular structure, supramolecular structure and selected properties (micromechanical properties, tensile properties, creep, wear resistance...).

Research scope

  • Center of Advanced Electron and Photon Optics – a long-term collaboration with Institute of Scientific Instruments CAS, Biology Center CAS, and microscopic manufacturers in Brno (grants projects awarded by TA ČR; national center of competence).
  • Multiphase biodegradable polymer systems for biomedical applications; systematic improvement of our solid patented polymer system for local release of antibiotics in collaboration with Motol Hospital in Prague (grant projects GA ČR, TA ČR, AZV).
  • UHMWPE for total joint replacements with increased lifetime – a long-term collaboration with the 1st Medical Faculty of the Motol Hospital and a local manufacturer of joint replacements – Beznoska Ltd. (grant projects GA ČR, MŠMT, TA ČR, IGA MZ ČR, AZV).
  • Collaboration in numerous projects, which employ microscopy and/or measurement of local mechanical properties (both local and international projects, study of polymer blends, micro/nanocomposites, polymer micro/nanoparticles including polymer self-assemblies in solution, morphology of biocompatible polymers and hydrogels...).


  • 1. LF UK a 2. LF UK Praha, FN Motol, Czech Republic (Prof. David Pokorný, Dr. Petr Fulín, Dr. Otakar Nyč – biopolymers for medical applications).
  • Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czech Republic (Prof. Štěpánek, Dr. Šloufová – morphology of metal, hybrid, and polymer nanoparticles in solution).
  • A number of other companies, institutes and universities in the Czech Republic, such as the Beznoska Ltd., Kladno (development of total joint replacements), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Brno (testing of new electron microscopy methods).
  • Foreign collaborations include, for example: Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (Prof. Andrzej Galeski, Prof. Ewa Piorkowska – semicrystalline polymers), Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento, Italy (Prof. Luca Fambri, Prof. Alessandro Pegoretti – polymer composites).