Research of polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries

The Department of NMR Spectroscopy (IMC CAS) has published a new study on the use of polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries in cooperation with a scientific group from the Swedish University of Uppsala. The results of the study have appeared in the journal ACS Applied Energy Materials.

IMC researchers have recently been working on safer commercial lithium-ion batteries. This type of battery still forms organic liquid electrolytes, that are known for frequent internal short circuits or unrestricted electrochemical side reactions. "We focused on the development of solids, chemically and physically resistant materials for electrolytes of lithium-ion batteries, that will have the same conductivity as a liquid," explains Dr. Sabina Abbrent, who has been studying polymer-based electrolytes throughout her scientific career.

As a part of the project, the Department of NMR Spectroscopy continued its successful collaboration with a scientific group from the Swedish Center for Pressure Research at Uppsala University. "Last year we published an article on the mechanism of electrolyte degradation and its effect on the structure of the prepared battery with a scientific group of prof. K. Edström," added Dr. Jiří Brus, head of the Department of NMR Spectroscopy.

The Original Article

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