How to reach Hvězda dormitory

(Praha 6, Zvoníčkova 5)

Map of Petriny with focus on Hvezda

The map shows the position of the Hvězda dormitory (dark green in the centre of the map), of Větrník refectory (dark green north of the dormitory), of the Institute ("ÚMCH AV ČR" in the left end of the map) as well as tram (full) and bus (dotted) lines and stops.

The nearest bus stop is Nad Markétou. The stop in direction from Metro to the Institute is located 50 m from the dormitory (but the entrance is from the opposite side - ca. 150-200 m). The stop for opposite direction is at the opposite corner of crossing, 100 m farther. Another stops are Vypich (500 m), Větrník (700 m), Obchodní dům Petřiny (500 m).

You will most probably have to use the entrance number 3, as shown in the next picture

Way from the Institute to the Hvězda dormitory

From the Institute, you can either walk through Zeyerova Alej along the power line 600 m to the hall of residence. The way is marked in the map in light green.

Of course, you can also take any of buses 179, 184, 191 (direction of Nové Butovice or Na Knížecí) for 2 stops to Nad Markétou stop. 


Way from the Hvězda dormitory to the Institute

Take any of buses 179, 184, 191 (direction of Letiště Ruzyně or Petřiny) for 3 stops to Petřiny stop. 

You can also walk through Zeyerova Alej along the power line approx. 600 m to the Institute. The way is marked in the map in light green.

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