PC 40

novel TLC copolyesters based on p-hydroxybenzoic acid

and its derivatives with enhanced biodegradability

F. Tanasa

“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania


Thermotropic liquid crystalline (TLC) copolyesters with aliphatic-aromatic structure represent a class of polymers which is rapidly developing. Attractive properties of these polymers include solubility in many common organic solvents (THF, DMSO, DMF, TCE etc.), softening temperatures below 150°C, improved processability and, in some cases, biocompatibility and even biodegradability. Some of these polymers show no melting transitions and, depending on their structure, either smectic or nematic phases are formed. Various formulations were developed and amended, but some of the most interesting results were obtained using -hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA) or its derivatives as comonomers.

The basic concept for all these is to combine the properties of aliphatic polyesters (low melting temperatures, solubility, biocompatibility and biodegradability) with properties of the aromatic ones (superior mechanic  resistance, LC behaviour).

In this communication, we present some of our latest results concerning the synthesis and characterization of some TLC polyesters with potential biocompatibility and biodegradability.